
Loaders are callables that accept location as input argument then return a template object:

>>> import piecutter
>>> load = piecutter.LocalLoader(root=u'demo/simple')
>>> with load(u'hello.txt') as template:
...     print(template)
Hello {who}!

Loaders encapsulate communication with file storages, either local or remote. They can:

  • distinguish single files from directories
  • read contents of single files
  • get a dynamic tree template out of a directory
  • or get the static list of templates in a directory.

The default loader of piecutter.Cutter is a piecutter.ProxyLoader.


piecutter.LocalLoader handles files in local filesystem.

>>> import piecutter
>>> load = piecutter.LocalLoader(root='demo/simple')

>>> with load('hello.txt') as template:
...     print(template)
Hello {who}!

>>> with load('i-dont-exist.txt') as template:  # Doctest: +ELLIPSIS
...     print(template)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TemplateNotFound: ...

And local directories:

>>> import piecutter
>>> load = piecutter.LocalLoader(root='demo/simple')
>>> print(load.tree('.'))
[u'hello.txt', u'{who}.txt']


piecutter.HttpLoader handles files over HTTP.

>>> load = piecutter.HttpLoader()
>>> location = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diecutter/diecutter/0.7/demo/templates/greetings.txt'
>>> with load(location) as template:
...     print(template)
{{ greetings|default('Hello') }} {{ name }}!


piecutter.GithubLoader handles files in Github repository.

>>> checkout_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'github-checkout')
>>> load = piecutter.GithubLoader(checkout_dir)
>>> location = 'diecutter/diecutter/0.7/demo/templates/greetings.txt'
>>> with load(location) as template:
...     print(template)
{{ greetings|default('Hello') }} {{ name }}!


piecutter.ProxyLoader delegates loading to specific implementation depending on location:

  • if location is a Template object, just return it.
  • if location is Python’s text, try to detect scheme (fallback to “text://”) then route to specific loader matching this scheme.
  • if location is file-like object, route to specific loader matching “fileobj://” scheme.

Let’s initialize a proxy with routes:

>>> load = piecutter.ProxyLoader(
...     routes={  # The following are defaults.
...         'text': piecutter.TextLoader(),
...         'fileobj': piecutter.FileObjLoader(),
...         'file': piecutter.LocalLoader(),
...         'http': piecutter.HttpLoader(),
...         'https': piecutter.HttpLoader(),
...     })

Then load templates from various locations:

>>> location = u'Just raw text\n'
>>> with load(location) as template:
...     print(template)
Just raw text
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> location = StringIO('Content in some file-like object\n')
>>> with load(location) as template:
...     print(template)
Content in some file-like object
>>> location = 'file://demo/simple/hello.txt'
>>> with load(location) as template:
...     print(template)
Hello {who}!
>>> location = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diecutter/diecutter/0.7/demo/templates/greetings.txt'
>>> with load(location) as template:
...     print(template)
{{ greetings|default('Hello') }} {{ name }}!

Custom loaders

Loaders typically are classes that inherit from piecutter.Loader. Feel free to write your own!

class piecutter.loaders.Loader

Bases: object

Loader implements access to locations.


Return template object (file or directory) from location.


Return True if ressource at location is a file.


Return True if ressource at location is a directory.


Return location of dynamic tree template if location is a dir.

Whenever possible, dynamic tree template file should be named ”.directory-tree”.

Raise exception if location is not a directory.

Raise TemplateNotFound if location has no tree template.


Return static list of templates, given location is a directory.

As an example a “local filesystem” implementation should just return the list of items in directory, except special dynamic tree template.

Raise exception if location is not a directory.